Home of the iconic, award-winning Montana modernist artist, Marge Dodge.

Marge Dodge was a pillar of the Montana art community from here arrival to Missoula in the 1950s, until her passing in 2003. One of a small handful of female modernist artists in the state during that time, she pioneered a movement and forged a path for others to follow.

Born in Stoughton, Wisconsin, in 1918, Marge quickly displayed unusual skill and talent. She studied at the Layton School of Art and the Atlanta Art Institute before completing her BA, BFA, and MA in Art at the University of Montana.

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After sitting in storage, finally 20 years after her passing, the complete work of Marge Dodge -over 850 pieces- has been catalogued. This website displays a small collection of her work, help spread her story to others, and serves as means for interested parties view items for potential purchase. Though some pieces are family favorites, all items are up for consideration for sale.